por master | Oct 28, 2022 | Projects
Company: Ingenio Pánuco. Location: Pánuco, Veracruz. Project: Complete truck loading system using telescopic conveyor belts for sugar sacks. Benefits: Optimizing truck loading...
por master | Oct 17, 2022 | Projects
Company: Molinos Azteca (GRUMA). Location: Chihuahua. Supplied Equipment: Manufacturing complete system for silo cleaning. Benefits: Integration of only one provider, easy-to-use operation, programmed a standardized cleaning...
por master | Oct 17, 2022 | Projects
Company: Dimeca Location: San Luis Potosi Supplied Equipment: Conveyor belt with magnetic vibrator and hopper car unloader used to unload minerals or scrap. Benefits: Integration of only one provider, time-efficient in material transfer and unloading,...
por master | Oct 17, 2022 | Projects
Company: Ingenio Mante Location: City Mante, Tamaulipas Supplied Equipment: Manufactured and started a sugar supply line with 16 of our own TCI equipment units. Benefits: Modular line, controlled velocity, 18% of production...
por master | Oct 17, 2022 | Projects
Company: Zincamex Location: Saltillo, Coahuila. Supplied Equipment: Hopper car unloader, used to unload plaster. Benefits: High efficiency, equipment automation, and cost...